A dog microchip is a tiny computer chip implanted under your dog’s skin, and it is designed to cover the dog’s life span. Microchipping is a quick and simple procedure that doesn’t hurt the dog.

A rice grain-sized chip will be inserted inside the using a sterile needle normally around the dog’s shoulder blades.

Anaesthetization doesn’t require during the process because it is something just like vaccinating your dog. So, many dogs even don’t notice.

But some pets may feel a little bit nervous or uncomfortable around needles, and also, if you see any kind of reaction after microchipping, contact the veterinarian immediately.

Can a microchip be removed from a dog?

Sometimes dog owners rarely asked the veterinarians to remove the microchip because of some dog microchip complications like causing an adverse reaction when it has moved from an original position or rarely when it stops working.

You can remove your dog’s microchip. But most of the time, veterinarians will not agree with you because the dog has to undergo a very risky and painful surgical process.

According to the experts, microchips are reasonably safe even they had rarely caused complications.

Microchip dog side effects are very rare when it compares to the benefits you get from it. The most common dog can experience temporary bleeding or slightly oozing at the place where it was implanted.

That doesn’t usually show inflammatory responses like soreness, but sometimes it can show infections. These infections can cause abscesses around injected point. Not only that, in some cases, this can cause hair loss in dogs, but these reactions can occur only for few days.

Some experts report that there is a risk of developing tumors after implanting the chip. This is a very rare incident as only two cases were reported during the past 15 years.

Apart from this, microchip migration is one of the main issues dog owners are facing. But you don’t have to worry as this can only occur during only the initial two weeks until the tissues are healed around the chip.

At what age can you microchip a puppy?

You can microchip your dog at any age, but according to the pet microchip law that newly came into effect on 6 April 2016, all puppies should be microchipped and should be inserted into the national database by the age of eight weeks.

The dog breeder should microchip the dog before selling, and breeders details should be registered on the database. Also, the owners should be responsible for updating data when they are moving houses or selling or giving their pet to a new owner.

Can you feel a microchip in a dog?

When the chip is properly inserted, you can’t feel a microchip in a dog from outside. But in some thin coated little puppies, you can handle it.

So, if you want to know if your dog is microchipped best way to do it is using a microchip scanner. You will be able to see a serial number on the scanner, and that serial number can be used to know the dog’s details.

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