How often should you bathe a dog?
New dog owners are often confused with questions in their heads like "can I bathe my dog every day?" and "when can I start...
Is chocolate bad for my dog?
As we all love our pets, we don't hesitate to share our meals with them. But do you know some of our favorite foods...
Does a dog’s wagging tail mean, It’s happy?
Almost all the dog owners are amused by the excited tail-wagging welcome of their furry friends. So, most of us are thinking that tail...
Should You Allow Your Dogs to Sleep in Your Bed?
According to many types of research, it is found that almost 50 percent of dog owners share the bed with their pet dog. Also,...
Do Dogs Get Jealous?
Dogs are the same as humans and feel jealous about many things. But they can't express their feeling by words so use different methods...